
Showing posts from April 21, 2019

Achterhoek........our area..Tit bits

4 Dutch flags Foreign flags Maritime / nautical flags Club flags Advertising flags Other flags accessories Home  > Dutch flags  > Region flags Twente West Friesland Westland  > Flags Achterhoek Achterhoekse flag Flags Achterhoek Achterhoekse flag The Achterhoek flags and streamers. We sell every size of flags and streamers from the Achterhoek.  The Achterhoek is a region in the eas8it of the Netherlands.  We sell all sizes from boat flag facade flag to mast flag.  And of course we also sell the Achterhoekse pennant designed by ourselves. This area in the Netherlands, also known as De Graafschap, has 11 municipalities and has almost four hundred thousand inhabitants.  This region in Gelderland borders on Salland, Twente, Germany and the IJssel.  The Achterhoek is known for their beautiful countryside, divorce but also for festivals such as De Zwarte Cross.  The Achterh...

Pipeline welding, in the Arctic. ....Tit bits

Tit bits Pipeline welding in the Arctic. Here is a link to a video of pipeline welding using automatic machines, lots of equipment, lots of labour crews. The complete operation is very similar to laying and welding pipelines underwater,  except that all the underwater work was done by six saturation diver/welders, in teams of 2 and all the welding was done by hand. We could never get the robotic machinery to work in the habitat, underwater,  back in the early 70's. They were cowboy pioneer days, but we got the job done in harsh North Sea conditions.

Another project......bathtub

Ukatani has a huge, unused cast iron bathtub in the master. It's very large and dangerous to get in and out of. Decided not to demolish it, just yet, it would be a major demolition . Repurposed a removed closet door, to make a bath cover. Maarten has a lot of tools and is pretty handy. Some tricky fitting. I'm sure it will be covered with plants.

This is our

Packed out of Boynton Waiting on these boxes to arrive from Abaco and Boynton Ukitani is pretty bare without all M's art and stuff We did go 2nd hand shopping and bought some used furniture, soon this place will be home For the living room For my den Mini recliner, also for my den All for under €200

Model planes........added new feature, 'tit bits'....more info for the curious minds

We were out on a new bike trail, just a few kms from Ukatani and came across a few blokes flying RC models. Beautiful, little half scale RC model 4 cylinder, air cooled, boxer engine See this link...interesting back story. Tit bits No 'Mickey Mouse' kit builds here.  These were all built by serious craftsmen, from scratch and took hundreds of hours to build. Saw some some model sailplanes with pusher electric motors and folding props. The pilots use the motors for take off and altitude and can keep them aloft for a long time, kicking in the electric motor to regain altitude and maintain the sailplane over the designated flying area.

Easter in 'eelweg.

Easter in 'eelweg. Weather terrific 70+, clear skies. Off on an Easter bike ride. Interesting little tit bit... The yellow crop is called Koolzaad may know it as 'Canola' (Rapeseed, also known as rape, oilseed rape, and, in the case of one particular group of cultivars, canola, is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae, cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed. It is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.   Wikipedia ) It is planted as a winter crop here and turned under, as a fertilizer, or harvested and the seeds are pressed to make Canola oil.....interesting tits bits.? Tit bits Marjo's E-bike is a special, low rider frame, 24" wheels, designed for seniors, handicapped and small ladies. Very comfortable ride.  Front wheel motor, we can't catch her when she slips it into 'boost' mode and hooks it up. A Dutch ' Billabong', alongside...