
Showing posts from August 11, 2019

Varsseveld Volksfeest........4 days.....and history

The Varsseveld Folk Festivals were kicked off with these people and wagons VIDEO AND PHOTOS VARSSEVELD - The start of the Varsseveld Folk Festivals is never just a start.  For some, the allegorical parade is the highlight of the festival.  And don't just let this be a procession: it was the fiftieth edition.  With a route through the center, many could enjoy the anniversary edition with beautifully decorated cars. Editorial staff   Aug. 16, 2019   3 1 Reactie For those who could not be there: Saturday morning at 10.30 am the large cars will depart from the former town hall, where the award ceremony will be held half an hour earlier. The fiftieth Varsseveld Folk Festivals last until Sunday. © Jan Ruland van den Brink © Jan Ruland van den Brink © Jan Ruland van den Brink Titbits..... the history Varsseveld Volksfeesten: 'normal' party with loaded history VIDEO VARSSEVELD - Everyone in Varsseveld has the d...

Green bus shelters

Green bus shelter around the world: 'More than just symbolic value' Can an almost invisible piece of green bring about a small revolution? The interest in the green bus shelters that have recently been placed in Utrecht is certainly huge. A Limburg company placed the more than 300 booths, with planted roofs and a bamboo seat, this spring. Worldwide there is now interest in the boxes, on Wednesday the German evening news report fromOetrecht . Maurice Prijs from the municipality of Utrecht is very busy with all requests: Play video 00:27 Interest from all over the world for green bus shelters in Utrecht The question is: do those few square meters of green on the roof of a bus shelter turn the dyke? Absolutely, says Harry Boeschoten, Green Metropool program director at Staatsbosbeheer. "On the one hand because it is an original way to place the theme of nature in the city. And on the other because it has symbolic value." Although the bus shelters a...

Horses and sulkies, tack, carts and wagons...

Some really nice tack. We had a similar single sulky with steel tired wooden wheels in Oz when I was a kid, before we had a car. Some very nice pairs, four in hand and other carts and carriages on the roads. New addition

Drought in Holland ????

There is a drought in the Achterhoek, east Gelderland. We are getting our ark ready, just in case it floods. Maarten has a 5 metre aluminium Indian type canoe that had to be transported from Lathum, where it was stored.  It fit on the bars on top of the Fiat Panda. Also another single Kayak. We must plan a float camping trip when the water level rises again. He has a sail and an electric motor for it and I have a nice 'zero gravity' relax chair that will fit midships. That will be another adventure.

Gelderland, our province.....more than 900 kms of recreational bike routes
