
Showing posts from September 13, 2020

Last Dahlias of the season picked.....


Sparkling wine in the Achterhoek ? Can't call it champagne.

There are many small vineyards in our area, most are only 1/4 acre or so. We had a really good crop of grapes from 2 vines that grow on our pergola and shade the house in summer.  Our vines were cloned from old vine at nearby farmhouse.

The city of Utrecht has restored the moat around the city and bike paths

We live in a rural agricultural area and don't often go to big cities. This is how The Netherlands is changing in city areas. Here's a couple of video  links and also another video about Utrecht''s disappearing roads  Here's the link again to the YouTube video Titbits.....Utrecht''s disappearing roads

The book exchange Ruulo

 The Cloggies like to read and there are book exchanges everywhere, by the roadsides, in villages, in churchyard, in cabinets etc,  in milk cans,  etc Here's  the first  story.... Here is a link The second story continues..... The lower part of the trunk went to another location and it is called the 'info tree Here's the link to the second story and the titbits.

Bloemencorso, Lichtenvoorde

Description Description Bloemencorso means "flower parade", "flower pageant" or "flower procession". In a parade of this kind the floats, cars and boats are magnificently decorated or covered in flowers. This custom goes back  as far as the middle ages. Each parade has its own character, charm and theme.   Lichtenvoorde, is a town about 6 kms from Ukatani and it is the 'Chrysanthemum Capital' of the Netherlands. Usually they have a large flower parade in  September, with many mobile and animated floats constructed of chrysanthemums.  This year due to the virus there is no street parade, but there are static displays around the town in public places. It is a designated bicycle route and visited by thousands. MB and MvdH took some photos. It is 27° (80°F) today. Titbits :- The displays are constructed in large covered sheds and barns by 'crews', or ...

Time for a little re-education.....Holland IS NOT The Netherlands

The link for the video is below Here's the link to titbits and the story So, now you know....