52° N our wandering man discovering new nature areas.

Maarten is discovering and exploring new nature areas all within biking distance and close to Heelweg. https://www.trouw.nl/home/de-boelekeerl-zit-onder-het-vlonder-kom-dus-niet-te-dicht-bij-het-water-~ae631109/ This is a story about a 'boogieman' who snatches kids...and you can see an arm sticking out of the water in the billabong. The translation is by machine and is a bit off The bourgeoisie is under the deck. So do not come too close to the water. HOME Haro Hielkema - January 14, 2006 There are no more children in Zelhem frightened for the 'boelekeerl'. But some parents in the Achterhoek would occasionally like to call this bogeyman out to warn their offspring. Beware of the ditch, the pool, the well! Or as they used to say in their dialect: 'The bunch of coins is under the deck! Do not hesitate to pour dense bi-j or water in the vortex! ' You will receive 5 articles from Trouw. This is number 1...