Here are a few from around us... Nice pastoral scene Potato slips delivered, specialised tractor attachment plants them in hills. The seed potatoes have sprouted and must be planted quickly. Flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees trail side stall, $1 a pot. Honor system, put yer $ in the pot. We met the owners of the nursery and they know Ukatani builder/previous owner. Double tulips Everything is sprouting, shooting, or flowering. This is a field of 'Koolzaad', brilliant yellow the seeds are harvested and pressed into cooking oil that we call Canola. Titbit :- It is grown as a rotational crop to replace nitrogen in the soil. Originally it was called 'rapeseed' in the west. Then the Canadians grew it commercially, renamed it and marketed it as 'Canola' (Canada oil) Extract from Wiki In Europe, winter rapeseed is grown as an annual break crop in three to four-year rotations with cereals such as wheat and barley...