
Showing posts from April 25, 2021

It's Tulip time again. Take a tour on a bike

Here's the link to video, it's great

The history of Sushi ...... particularly salmon sushi Japan

 I was in Japan/Okinawa and South East Asia. 1966-1970 and I lived above a Sushi bar in the Tokyo district of  Waseda University.   There were not a lot of 'Gaijin' (Native English speaking foreigners) in Tokyo at the time and the students wanted to practice conversational English. So, they would knock on my door at all hours and invite me down to the sushi shop where we would eat sushi, drink Kirin beer and converse in English? Link to video .  Titbits:-  The Sushi adventures gave me an idea...????? The Japanese Uni students were very affluent, had a thirst for learning and knowledge, but did not have much opportunity to practice conversational English, so we set up classes.  It was a goldmine in the 60's.

New tastes....

 A couple renting next door is starting a new business. A mobile food business out of a towed caravan.  They are starting with this delicious French dish, similar to pizza. .   Saskia bombed the local mailboxes and offered her fare from a refurbished caravan parked in the front yard.  She intends to work festivals, markets, sporting events etc.  The opening was a big success and we want to support local products and businesses. Titbits:-  We liked it so much Maarten and I decided to try to make it in/on our new outdoor cooking area.. photos to follow...we have, wok burner, induction cooktop, gas and charcoal barbecue.

Not very exciting, but very necessary when you bike, drive or walk here.

  Here is link to full list

Toll bridges in NL

 You know all those opening bridges across the Intercoastal canal in US. ?? Think about ALL of the canals, dykes, rivers and creeks here, there are thousands of water crossings.  Here's how some operate.  The keeper is wearing wooden clogs and collects the toll with a fishing pole. Here's the link

Spring is coming to NL...but not quite yet...

  Here are a few from around us... Nice pastoral scene Potato slips delivered, specialised tractor attachment plants them in hills. The seed potatoes have sprouted and must be planted quickly. Flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees trail side stall, $1 a pot. Honor system, put yer $ in the pot. We met the owners of the nursery and they know  Ukatani builder/previous owner. Double tulips Everything is sprouting, shooting, or flowering. This is a field of  'Koolzaad', brilliant yellow the seeds are harvested and pressed into cooking oil that we call Canola.   Titbit :- It is grown as a rotational crop to replace nitrogen in the soil.  Originally it was called 'rapeseed' in the west.  Then the Canadians grew it commercially, renamed it and marketed it as 'Canola' (Canada oil) Extract from Wiki   In Europe, winter rapeseed is grown as an annual break crop in three to four-year rotations with cereals such as  wheat  and  barley...