26° North., hurricane Dorian....Abaco getting wacked, tremendous damages

01 September The eye of #Dorian has made a second landfall at 2 pm EDT (1800 UTC) on Great Abaco Island near Marsh Harbour. Maximum sustained winds were 185 mph at the time. This is tied for the strongest Atlantic hurricane landfall on record with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane. Pressure down to 910 mb, gusts to 225 mph and tornadoes reported. Reports of 20 ft surge, downtown MHH flooded Tremendous property damage. Hope everyone safe, are in the eye now. Almost every structure on Abaco and the cays has been damaged or destroyed. Roofs gone, rain water and surge flooding. Waiting on daylight to assess damages..... Friends houses and businesses gone, either from wind 185~225 mph or surge 18~23 feet.