52° N....Bosboombroekerweg 18

Drone shot of our property and the small village of Heelweg-Ost. There are about 50 houses, a community centre. No schools or churches. You can see that the one bathroom is between the two roofs. Enclosed verandah on the back and barn to the left. Over to the left rear you can see the stocked ponds, lakes of a private 'pay to fish' recreation and camping area. Really nice couple operate it. Fish for trout, carp and sturgeon. Catch and release, or catch and keep. You pay to play. They also have a nice little pub and serve snacks. No one can build behind us and the owner is letting it go back to nature to attract local wildlife. The village information/notice board. Some inside detail.... the oak barn frame skeleton is exposed, inside and outside and is structural. This one must have been a bit short and they jacked it up with a bloody big stone. Kitchen is small, but functional Old church pews for benches Bunged i...