
Showing posts from October 31, 2021

Ukatani...Dutch Stamppot... traditional winter comfort food

 Mashed taters, carrots, kale, cabbage, bacon, sausage...Beat that on a cold day We like this one best, with wu We like them all

52° North. Halloween in the Achterhoek


52° North. Local country estate will be restored

 Local Estate will be the 'Keukenhof' of the Achterhoek' Titbits

26° from Nassau, Bahamas

 Those 'emeffers' at Jimmy Buffet's, ' Margaritaville' resort, in Nassau have blatantly stolen, reproduced, displayed and used and at least two of Marjolein's original art images.  Quite a compliment that they like her art. Our detectives are on the case. We are quite impressed to see such a large reproduction as the originals ere 24 x 36 inches and have never had the technical capability to produce a quality image in this size. Don't P*** off the Dutch girl.

Fungii in the forest and in our yard

  Courtesy of neighbours, Mieke and Bert, who walked in the forest today. And from our own yard... Photos by Marjolein The big cluster grows out of an old stump and the mycelium blooms each year around this time. The tree was probably cut down when Wensink cleared the land and built the recycled house.  The stump is about 30 " across. The violets self seeded and we hope a lot of the wildflowers will also self seed next spring. 

Autumn afternoon

  With a little video....seems like they are on beat with the engine