
Showing posts from May 26, 2019

Look ere.......

These houses are very similar to ours Open the link through google chrome and translate in settings. These vacation houses (about 45km/45 mins) could have been built from the same plans as our house. Built in 2011 in the traditional 'Twente Saxon style'

Four day biking event around Varsseveld, lots of fairs, flea markets, biking and walking events in summer here.


They are very serious about renewable energy here

They stick solar panels everywhere, private houses, industrial warehouses,  barns, farmhouses, out buildings and dedicated solar farms, alongside highways and fields. Every week we get a solicitations by mail to purchase/lease/rent/join a co-op or other scheme. Subsidies have ended, but govt still pushing solar and wind. Many choices, pay back, ROI is about ten years. Considering putting them on east side of our barn roof. All grid connected, no battery storage. Power comany buys from you at wholesale rate and sells it back to you at retail rate. At this time electricity is about  €0.24c/kilowatt hour. Also pushing heat pumps and trying to eliminate natural gas and propane for home heating.

How tulips are farmed in NL
