
Showing posts from May 12, 2019

Saturday Market in Lichtenvoorde. .......5 kms

Every Saturday, 25-30 stalls My budget for the week for fruit and veges is €25..... Of course we have to eat the fried fish bits and the raw herring off the stalls and try all the samples of cheeses, olives, sausages, wursts, fruits, breads and nuts that the vendors lay on. They also have local entertainment....folk dancing, buskers playing for coins, etc...

Every old Island bloke must have a portable outside shower, eh ?

Got to have a portable outside shower, mate Had to up the output for these colder conditions ....LPG fired, battery ignition,  12 litres a minute at full water pressure/40° C   . (could boil shrimp and crabs, or crawfish with that, eh, Ripper?)....can move it anywhere, right now for testing it is hanging on the barn wall.

Saturday, in spring.

One of the neighbours has a few, they wander.  Right now pretty noisy, it's mating season. All the native birds are busy building nests and feeding young. Think several blackbirds have nested in our tile roof.....Lot's of peeping going on. Potting up, literally.  At the local Saturday market, on the town square, Lichtenvoode Folk dancing, traditional clothing, accordion music. Probably 30, or more stalls.....fruit/veges/cheese/bread/nuts/fish/drop/chicken/pork/clothing/plants/flowers..... Hanging flower baskets are everywhere... Large choir, providing entertainment.