26° N......back in Florida...some news from Abaco

An old friend, Donnie Wood, found a message in a bottle, on Abaco on his beach facing the Atlantic. The bottle had a note and a dollar bill inside. Also an email contact in Germany. The note was in German and English and dated from 2012, ten years ago. The note was fragile and a bit tattered, but legible. It noted the release point and an email address. Don asked me to contact them, as he doesn't 'do' email. Some more flotsam from Donnie's beach, near Bahama Palm shores. More flotsam and jetsam from the same beach which faces the Atlantic ocean. I contacted the bottle tosser and they were on a sea cruise out of Barcelona and had dumped the bottle 10 years previously. They were delighted that their bottle had been found. Apparently it is entertainment activity on that cruise line