26° North....... Renewable Natural Gas..US perspective

This is Interesting for me as we presently heat house, hydronically, using natural gas fired boiler to supply hot water to underfloor coils and wall radiators. Dutch not permitting new natural gas connections to new construction and supposed to phase out NG by 2130. There have been several attempts by local farmers in our area to produce biogas from cow/pig/chicken shit/food waste/sewage, but the NIMBYs and the Greenies block every and all efforts. The infrastructure, the distribution and supply pipelines are all in place and in use in NL. Titbits :-. Read the rest of the article here, if interested. Maybe Renewable Natural Gas is not the answer. https://cleantechnica.com/2021/09/16/renewable-natural-gas-is-the-ultimate-red-herring/