
Showing posts from August 22, 2021

Someone will always complain.

  Last year people complained about hot air balloons flying low over the countryside scaring the poultry and animals. One man claimed the loud noise of the balloon gas burner scared his Macaw parrots and they died.  He received compensation from the balloon company.

Bloemen Corso.....Flower parades.....from mobile to static

 It's an Achterhoek thing. The annual 'Bloemen Corso', chrysanthemum flower parades through Achterhoek towns were cancelled again this year.  Varsseveld, Lichtenvoorde, Aalten, Winterswijk all had their own displays. Static displays were set up in parks in several locations. The construction crews plan and build them in secret over several months.  After planning, the different coloured flowers are planted to bloom around the same time.  The flowers are harvested and then attached to armatures and frames in hidden barns in secret. It is a competition and displays are judged.   The flowers are chrysanthemums and the volunteer groups build them hidden and in secret. They are usually built on wheeled floats and paraded through the towns. Traditionally lots of Grolsch beer (local brewery) is consumed during the process.

It's national ,' hug your Kookaburra day'. (26° South)

  Here a few little videos for ya Titbits:-   All you want to know about Kookaburras

Nah ! it was not me....

 Yes, it was a foreigner........Nah !  It wasn't me....though I am sometimes dazed and confused. I haven't been near that fountain for years.  We are civilized in the Achterhoek and only skinny dip in the 'Hoge Venne' and 'Visdorado de Kool'. We never skinny dip in town.

The Achterhoek is quite civilised...

 Drunk returns nicked roadsign 

Really dangerous out over by beer bike

 Run over by yer own beer bike There are beer bikes over here. Pretty much a keg on wheels.  Usually pedalled by 6 on each side who all face inward. But there is no whizzer. You can hop on, have a few brewskis and pedal to your destination. Many complaints from the tourist areas in which they operate. I think that the beer bikes and the beer barges have been banned in Amsterdam.  Beer barge in Amsterdam.