
Showing posts from February 27, 2022

Floating homes in the Netherlands


Solar panels over water. ???????

 This idea has been kicked around in the Netherlands to keep valuable agricultural land from being used solely as a 'solar farm'.  It has many benefits and there are a lot of suitable water areas that could be utilised. Link to article.

52 ° North. Protected intersection crossing for bicyclists in NL

 This video was shot in the big city of Utrecht, where the bicycle and auto traffic is very heavy.   Here is the video link .  Cycling on a protected intersection.  Link .  Read the comments.  The author has been campaigning for safer cycling for many years and thanks to his efforts cycling is much safer now. In the Netherlands cycling is given priority over vehicular traffic in the cities and native Dutch are on bikes as soon as they can walk. Very strict and heavy fines for illegal motor traffic. The bicycle has priority over motorised traffic. Roundabouts are easier to navigate, but they take up a lot of room and not feasible as a retrofit for inner city areas with old narrow streets. So, they engineered safer intersection crossings.