
Showing posts from April 12, 2020

Brush up on your tulips

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All about clogs....wooden shoes

Image The original 'safety shoe' for farmers Check out the link One of the few clog makers left in NL has a shop in Varsseveld,  only a few kms from here.

Spring has sprung.....25° c today

Could not wait to get out on the country bike paths on the ebikes Saw only 3 other bikers on the trails. Everything is sprouting, blossoming and blooming. Large outdoor inflatable manure bag,  The cow/pig/chicken shit is composted, pumped into big transport bins to the fields and then tilled and injected directly into the soil.  Not much odor. . ......a d the Marmite exploded in the microwave The Marmite was too hard to spread so I put it in the Mico wave.....big mistake.

52° N The Billabong

I miss the ocean, the sea, the salt water, the waves,  but have a billabong here. I Just had to jump in. Setting up a couple of solar powered fountain pumps to prevent pond scum, algal growth and duck weed this coming spring and summer. The fish have multiplied. Water cold nah....

52° North, we have returned to The Netherlands and it is spring.

Just returned to Heelweg and Ukatani after spending  winter in Florida..and the last month in isolation for the Covid-19 virus. It is a different world now and there are many different rules and regulations. Here in countryside in the east of The Netherlands is is very quiet and peaceful.  We will continue to quarantine and self isolate here for a further 14 days, to ensure that we are not carrying the virus. I was first denied boarding the flight to travel to NL as only Dutch citizens and family are admitted at this time.  We did have a copy of our Dutch  marriage certificate (43 years) and eventually I was permitted to travel. There were only about 30 Dutch passengers on our A 300 aircraft, but every seat on that aircraft was filled by Asians/Orientals who were completely covered with full hazmat medical gear, white coveralls, shoe covers, masks, faceshields, hoods gloves and goggles. None of these passengers were travelling to Nl, but we're 'in transit', ret...