
Showing posts from June 16, 2019

Wild wolf pups.....nearby,

Image The Veluwe is about 25 kms from here.....used to go there often when we visited Arnhem.

Heatwave coming...???? 35C/95F

Heatwave coming to NL Supposed to get up 35° C......around 95 F We have fans and the cellar is 10-15 ° cooler than upstairs. May bunk down there, with Maarten, in the mancave, if oppressive. Still wearing jackets biking, windy and temps around 60°f, I'm still sleeping under a fluffy duvet, overnight temps drop to low 50s F and we just turned off the underfloor heating.

Weekend activities coming up, state fair

Steam Festival, small steam machine....Doetinchem, 10 kms west, biking distance. Farm and Country Fair,  Alten, a 3 day event...9 kms to the East. Just like your state fairs...400 booths, I think, but with the Dutch twist...stomping with clogs on... Too many people for me.... Prefer slow country bike rides and small,  cafes, coffee and apple tart.

37.8199° N, 122.4783° W San Francisco

Friends from Abaco have been building a wooden tall ship, 'The Mathew Turner'  after returning from a couple of years sailing the Pacific. Finally getting him finished  After work they sail race on the bay.  Is that the Golden Gate bridge (?) in background.? Very competent blue water ocean sailors, with many stories.

26° N Stubby on Abaco

Stubbo is continuing his education on Abaco.  Looks like he is being home schooled and has inside privileges. .....and getting lots of love and attention from young ladies and young dog. Tit bits He is living with Keith, but still wanders around and visits neighbours.

'The Baron'....titbits

Ripper sent me a link about a Pommie bloke who has had a R90s for 50 years, He bought a Daytona Orange R90s Bimmer new and married a Dutch girl.... See the video link, very well produced. Well, i don't have a video, but have a similar story. 1975 England, Norwich, brand new R90s....'The Baron', very proud excited owner. In 1975 bought our Daytona orange R90S, bimmer, 'The Baron', new from the factory, delivered to the UK where I was working North Sea saturation diving. Bike was delivered to London and I had to pick it up and ride it back to Norwich. I had been at sea and saturated for several months and was physically weak. Had not ridden a road bike for years. Me legs were like jelly and shaking. After the work season travelled to Europe, met Marjolein in Portugal and she got on the back and would not get off.  I married the Dutch girl and kept the bike.  Before I met the Dutch girl, here in P...

Very respectful

Titbits The Dutch are still very respectful of the WW2 efforts to liberate them.

Night sky

Not my pic, or my blog....just Tit bits We are in the east of Holland and little light pollution Check out the link.above. There is a hot air balloon operation close by and sometimes one will float by, usually in the evening just on dusk.

Harreveld Survival run course

Wow! These blokes and shielas are really fit. Haven't seen this sport before. A course was laid out in a small village 3 kms from Ukatani. 21 km run/walk, 45 observed/judged obstacles.   Participants are penalised if obstacles not completed, or you fall off.  Lots of rope and net climbing, wading through creeks and mud and running between obstacles. Specialized 'dryfit' clothing and they do it year round, wet for most of the event. We followed along on our ebikes and one young Cloggie shiela was following her friend with a Malamute on a leash. 60 years ago I was doing similar stuff at 0430-0700 in the mornings. They called it 'Commando training', now these Cloggies are doing it for fun ! Pics to follow..... Obstacle examples, usually in/over water. Auto translation, but you will get the gist of it. Some go over, most go under, it's faster Grolsch beer is a sponsor, this is ...