Ripper sent me a link about a Pommie bloke who has had a R90s for 50 years, He bought a Daytona Orange R90s Bimmer new and married a Dutch girl.... See the video link, very well produced. Well, i don't have a video, but have a similar story. 1975 England, Norwich, brand new R90s....'The Baron', very proud excited owner. In 1975 bought our Daytona orange R90S, bimmer, 'The Baron', new from the factory, delivered to the UK where I was working North Sea saturation diving. Bike was delivered to London and I had to pick it up and ride it back to Norwich. I had been at sea and saturated for several months and was physically weak. Had not ridden a road bike for years. Me legs were like jelly and shaking. After the work season travelled to Europe, met Marjolein in Portugal and she got on the back and would not get off. I married the Dutch girl and kept the bike. Before I met the Dutch girl, here in P...