Harreveld Survival run course

Wow! These blokes and shielas are really fit.
Haven't seen this sport before. A course was laid out in a small village 3 kms from Ukatani.
21 km run/walk, 45 observed/judged obstacles.   Participants are penalised if obstacles not completed, or you fall off.  Lots of rope and net climbing, wading through creeks and mud and running between obstacles.
Specialized 'dryfit' clothing and they do it year round, wet for most of the event.
We followed along on our ebikes and one young Cloggie shiela was following her friend with a Malamute on a leash.
60 years ago I was doing similar stuff at 0430-0700 in the mornings. They called it 'Commando training', now these Cloggies are doing it for fun !


Pics to follow.....

Obstacle examples, usually in/over water.

Auto translation, but you will get the gist of it.

Some go over, most go under, it's faster
Grolsch beer is a sponsor, this is a trainine aid.

21 kms and 45 obstacles to go...

Reward at the finish....
