Poo power

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7327009/Like-miracle-Poo-powering-Kenyas-modern-farmers.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7327009/Like-miracle-Poo-powering-Kenyas-modern-farmers.html See the link above. It seems like there would be a great opportunity in NL for biodigesters ? Titbits The way manure is used in NL. I understand that most of the cow and pig shit in Holland is funneled into pits/tanks under the stalls. This manure is allowed to cook and ferment and is then injected directly into the fields. It goes directly to the roots of the plants and is held by the soil. This minimizes run off and excess nitrogen pollution. There is little smell. Here is pic of Dutch poo injection equipment and link This pic is from some years ago......Newer equipment combines a big balloon tyred dedicated machine with a single front wheel that can be depressurized for the soft fields, or inflated for road travel. Ve...