Learning the ins and outs of our home heating and hot water systems

Techie  post for those blokes and shielas that may have inquisitive minds.

The bathroom has a stand alone electric hot water heater. This heater holds 80 litres of water and has 2 heating elements.
The Squire and his estate manager apparently consumated all the hot water for their morning ablutions.  After waiting all day for a hot water shower the mistress of the manor estate was thoroughly pissed off and a bit cranky.
Squire and estate manager did not have a farking clue and had to consult the former owner/builder and the utility provider.
The home heating system is a completely separate closed loop gas boiler that runs hot water through sub floor tubes and wall mounted radiators.

It turns out that the 'smart' stand alone bathroom hot water heater is programmed to only heat water between 2300 hours and 0700 hours, when the electric rates are lower.
It uses the 1k element to heat the water and it takes 7 hours to heat the water.

Then there is also a mechanical clockwork timer on the heater panel.
This can be manually activated and both elements kick in, using a total of 3.7k to rapidly heat the water at the high electric rate.

Interesting, there are 2 elements, one 1k and one 2.7k

Utility panel, 230 v, 380 v and natural gas meter are all combined/integrated and give continuous  scrolling running readouts.

The are 2 rate tariffs and 2 rate charges, high and low rates.
Meter also Integrates solar panel activity, if installed. We do not have cross tied solar panels to offset high rates.  We pay €0.24 per KWH. It also track natural gas consumption.
(In NL,  consumer installed solar panels are grid tied to the utility.  Your house does not run off your solar panels.  The utility company ' buys' your solar output at the low rate and sells it back to you at the high rate. If there is ever a very rare outage you are SOL and have to wait for utility to be restored.)


  1. Had a tank less hot water heater once, after a few failures to start and Mel already in the shower when it went out one time, it had to go.
    I think they are better designed now days................


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