New life around the hills of Heelweg
Out biking on a 'fietspad' (bicyle path) on my way home from the Saturday open air market and a cow dropped her calf in the paddock in front of me.
Rode over to the farmhouse, farmer was greatful, no worries.
Big operation.
At Ukatani
A little bird nested in one of the old mortise joint slots of recycled old beam frame, just a small ledge
Four little hungry mouths to feed
That peg hole is about the size of a wine cork, looks like a woodpecker has been trying to enlarge the hole.
Have not ID the bird, it is an insect eater and both parents very busy catching insects on the wing from sun up to sundown.
The magpies and crows are trying to get to the chicks but are driven off by the parents.
The wheat is looking good, haven't seen golden wheatfields since Oz, more than 50 years ago.
Roadside stall, jams and plants, honor system
Only a few left.
Did not go to the big 4 day province fair......too many people, prefer the quiet countryside and solitude.
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