Hottest day ever recorded in Netherlands 35°c = 95° f

Heelweg is in the East, a couple of hours drive from the coast.

Most Dutch houses are not designed for hot weather, we are fortunate in that we have a large underground cellar that we can open up and get a flow of 20° air up into the house.
We close our wooden window shutters and hang shade sails around the house some trees also shade our house.
There is also a drought, rivers are low and fish are being netted and moved to deeper water sources.

Most of the Netherlands is on 5 weeks vacation during August, so many go to the coast this year, even during the CV19 restrictions.

We have a secret......
A secret swimming hole, one km from  Ukatani
It's a private fishing club/sanctuary, lots of birdlife but we sneak in and swim in one of the remote little secluded bays. Water is clear as the Bahamas, warm on top, but cold underneath.
I are a pirate and I can't read the signs.

 Pirates have no rules.

Couple of drone videos, music sucks,  just turn sound down and FF the video

Nice spot
