Stubby.....slipped over the Rainbow Bridge.....A tribute to me best mate.

 Stubby our wonderful, faithfull, smart, mischievous, Bahamian pot cake dog.

He adopted us years ago.  Stubby and his blonde brother came from a house with 22 dogs and would swim across Gt Cistern Bay and  past our house and roam into Murphy Town, raiding garbage dumpsters.   He was a wild dog and had never been handled, trained or peopled and was very wary, was in poor condition and had hundreds of ticks all over, ears, nose, eyes etc.
Would not be approached or let anyone near him.  
We started to talk to him and leave food.  After many weeks I was able to approach and handle him and would remove dozens of ticks and brush him daily. Then he started hanging out by our house and going home at night.
One day we visited a friend, by motorcycle, who lived near the house with 22 foster dogs, when we were leaving on the motorbike Stubby ran after us and followed us home, about 5 miles, by road.
He stayed. 
I contacted his owner who was only too glad to see him go to a good home.   After a full vet workup, treatments, vaccinations etc., we had a $800 free dog.
He continued his roaming ways and would visit everyone, residents and visitors in the neighborhood, he was an outside dog at our house, but would wander inside any house with an open door and nick food off the table or counter (he loved butter)
We bonded and he would follow me everywhere, in the water, on land, on the roof.
When we went into town he would wait at the bottom of the hill for us to return.
He had huge webbed feet and could swim faster than I, even with fins on.
Guess who was always first in the boat, or kayak ?
Happy to help or give you a wet nose in yer ear.
'Woofing inspector'
Sometimes 'Conch' breath, both of us

Loved dry coconuts and would drag them on the track and wait till a car or truck ran over the coconut so he could eat the meat inside.
At night he would roam and bring home neatly tied bags of garbage, as a present.  He rarely ate it.  Then he discovered baby diapers.......and he loved them.  (There were no babies within 1/2 mile of us)
He brought home some large skeletal animal, dragged it into the house and left it by my bed one night

Huge webbed feet.......Stubby could not be confined, or left in a vehicle.

He was once 'accidentally' locked into Keith's house with his 2 dogs when dog sitter left them after a pee break. He escaped.

He did not like thunder and if no one was home he would break into our house, tearing out screens, louvers,  hardware cloth, etc. One day he destroyed  9 window and louver door screens

The xmas dinner story
Part time neighbours lived in a two story elevated house with sliding glass doors on the second floor.  They came one Xmas and brought a whole frozen beef fillet from Florida to share with others at xmas and left it on their kitchen counter to thaw.  Patio slider doors were closed.
Stubby jumped up on their 2nd story patio, opened the slider door and scarfed the whole filet.  They returned to find him asleep on their front door step, next to his distended belly.
We all had pasta for that xmas.


Both of them are Bahamian, both love the sea and both he and Wendie would go to the beach and gaze at the sea.

His adopted family of 3 little Bahamian girls loved him very much and he became their protector and 'lifeguard' at the beach, but not let them get out too far.

'Don't go out too far, now '

One lifeguard  duty

The girls are homeschooled by their mummy, of course StubbO is included in the lessons

He is learning his ABCS-E-F-Gs

Taking naps together 

And of course, daily grooming is very important for all

We are very grateful to Kate, Jack, The Girls and Kate's dad who really loved and took care of him after hurricane Dorian destroyed all Keith's property.

Snorkeling with he 'sea daddy'

Kalik used to jump over his fence and visit every day

'Oliver' would steal our crocs if left outside.  We never found any of them

He finally got 'senior' privileges and was allowed inside at night.

Stubby had a wonderful life at Gt Cistern

I miss me dog.......

Ps:- Here's a wierd  coincidence. 
.......Marjo's little brother visited Abaco with his daughter, Milou and she was deathly afraid of dogs.  Stubby won her over and soon they were playing together and they 'adopted' one another during the visit.
Now, several years later Milou wants a dog in Holland and a few minutes after Kate Whatsapped to let us know that Stubby was 'going over the Rainbow bridge', Jelle called and said that they were adopting a dog and naming it 'Stubby'
They had no knowledge of Stubbs condition.
?????????????????WTF ?  be continued, I not finish yet, many more stories and photos of StubbO to come.
