52° North.....it's harvest time....sugar beets

 Sugar beet harvest time in our area in Netherlands. The Dutch are masters of efficiency.

Most farms in the Netherlands are pretty small compared to the huge ag farms in AUSTRALIA and US and harvesting is usually a contract, or cooperative operation.

The contractor, or the local co-op group hits the field with all tractors blazing...first cuts off the tops, second digs up the beets and dumps them into following trailer, next one plows the just harvested field, then fourth one seeds and plants next crop.

See the video

Here's a overhead drone image.
Drone shot 
Video link

Titbits :- What the hell are sugar beets used for ?

What do farmers do with sugar beets?
Sugarbeets are harvested for their roots. After sugar and molasses are extracted from roots, the remaining pulp is processed into a cattle feed. Sugarbeets are highly sensi- tive to insects, diseases, and weeds and therefore require continuous monitoring and management for control of these problems.
