Early summer bike tour and picnic..Nl easing restrictions...
Had a nice bike tour, a bit over 30 kms or so, with Marjo's sister, Mieke and partner, Fritz and Maartin around our area
Beaut day, sunny, no wind, 26c temp, few people, no bugs.
Start of ride....by our house
(Titbits: fietspads maintained by volunteers labour from nearby villages.
(Titbits: Barn dated 1891 construction, style 'Saxon Twente', same as our house that was salvaged from an old wood frame barn)
Found a nice spot, with a picnic table alongside one of the 'fietspads'
All five of us have two side pannier bags on our ebikes, so we carried everything, including the glass butter dish from home, hot and cold thermos flasks, proper China coffee mugs, great selection of food.
We also stopped at our favorite cafe in Mareinvelde village and had apple tart with whipped cream and coffee for a dessert, on the terrace outside.
Fritz and we have removeable ebike carriers mounted on ball hitch. We plan on toting our bikes to explore other areas with them.
All the outdoor agricultural crops are up, potatoes, corn, grains, hay and feed. Some crops I don't recognize, like 'koolzaad', yellow flower.
(Titbits: rapeseed = Canola, was renamed by the Canadians, pressed into oil and marketed as 'Canola oil')
The windmills are grinding grain
Ag boys irrigating with large water cannons.
Checking out the water lillies. May have to dive some up for the billabong.
I making wild flower seed bombs, rolling seeds in soil/clay mix.
Toss them by the side of the 'fietspads' when we are out.
There is a bit of interest here to reseed and beautify with wildflowers to attract more beneficial insects. Maybe next spring I will see my puny efforts, eh?
(Titbits...I was impressed one spring in Texas in 1971,almost 50 years ago, to see hundreds of miles of roadsides that had been seeded by Ladybird Johnson's efforts. President Lyndon Johnson was from Texas)
Batchelor's buttons ?
Old wild rose
Dem blokes can eat a lot and often
(Titbits: timeline of tour)
We are less than 1km from a fietspad junction (#34)
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