Black swans surfing in Australia

From the department of useless information

Link to video, check it out, mate.

Me old bodysurfing mate, Rigger, from Oz sent me this.  We worked in Sydney, (early '60s) which has several closeby city beaches and we could not wait to get off work in the Optical lab and shoot over to Bondi beach or others close by to catch a few waves before dark.
We could not afford surfboards, just a pair 'Speedos' and a pair of flippers.
The black swans don't need flippers. Unusual behavior.

Black swans are indigenous to western Australia, in large flocks, though we see several pairs here in The Netherlands in our area in private ponds.  Many exotic animals here in this rural area....dwarf horses and goats, alpacas, ostrich, emus, wallabies, swans, it's a zoo.  We have 4 old, noisy peacocks roaming loose around our place and have started hand feeding them.

Further link
