Emus, chooks, peafowl ?????

 We are glad that our neighborhood Peafowl are not as big as Emus and their 'chooks' are only bantams

An Aussie bloke that I follow on UTube, he lives pretty remote on the beach, in the donga on West Australia coast, has a lot of toys, spearfishes, boats, hunts, chases good looking shielas parties and hunts. Copped a lot of sponsors, selling merchandise and living off  UTUBE. 

Here is video link......https://youtu.be/aG7_PxD8iaU  

Another Ozzie bloke wrote a song.....
'May your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down'

Here's the video link

Here's a bit of the lingo
Chooks = chickens, dunny = backyard outhouse,  shiela = female, donga = bush
BlueIng = fighting
