Ukatani.....the living room, i reiterate,...... redecorated, recycled, repurposed, reclaimed, refinished.....

 We are very 're'

Projects and Planning Department thought that the living room was looking a bit 'bare' and needed some 're', an upgrade

An old wooden ladder was appropriated and pressed into service 

Ladder was hung from ceiling beams, now for some electrical  modifications

A few plants hanging, now to train some living foliage on the ladder.
Maybe hang a few empty Chianti bottles and it would look like an expresso coffee shop in Sydney in the '60's  ?
Looks warm and cosy with the sub floor hydronic heating and the wood burning pellet heating stove in the corner.
The floor tiles are recycled painted clay tiles, we believe, from an old dairy milking parlor
The oak timber frame, the old oak beams, the bricks for the walls, the arched iron frame barn windows, the floor tiles, all recycled.  The furniture repurposed, redecorated, refinished thrift shop purchases.
Seaglass and seashells on coffee table are from The Bahamas and many other worldwide locations.

Projects and Planning Department can now hang different seasonal decorations, Autumn, Xmas,  New Year, Spring, etc., etc.
I wonder what she has planned to 're' me ???


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