52° N Heelweg, local 350 year old Linden tree is sick and will be replaced.


De Radstake is very old local inn

350-year-old linden  tree at Radstake is sick and goes to the Apenheul 

The Apenheul is a zoo that specializes in primates)

HEELWEG - The at least 350-year-old lime tree for De Radstake in Heelweg will be moved to Apenheul in Apeldoorn on Tuesday.  

On Friday the iconic tree was examined by a tree surgeon. He noted that it is no longer justified to leave the tree, which is troubled by honey fungus, at this location at the entrance of the café. "The tree - which is hollow - can collapse and that could endanger visitors," says Robert Venderbosch, manager of De Radstake.

At first it looked like the tree would be felled. Until it became clear that the Apenheul in Apeldoorn wants to use the age-old tree in a park. "So there is a second life for the linden tree," says Venderbosch. ,, But I don't know what that second life will look like exactly. I will not speak to the people of Apenheul about it until Monday. "
Initially, De Radstake reported that the tree would go to Burgers' Zoo. On Saturday evening the conference center announced that it was a mistake: the tree is going to the Apenheul.  

The Radstake does not have to continue without linden, because a new linden tree has already been found. On Tuesday the old tree will be taken out with a platform and the new one replaced. 

Louis Napoleon

The tree was already a benchmark when the De Radstake inn was a stopping place for the commercial travelers who entered the Achterhoek from present-day Germany on the German roads (dating from the seventeenth century). The Radstake was a well-known hesse inn, just like the nearby Wapen van Heeckeren near Hummelo. 

Many a traveling salesman will have equipped under the linden for De Radstake.Louis Napoleon is said to have fallen asleep under the linden tree in the Batavian period (around 1800). According to tradition, Lodewijk Napoleon signed the deed in De Radstake, which made it possible to build a church in Zieuwent. 

It was really hollow and diseased

Out with the old, in with the new. That tall green thing is a huge folding umbrella.
The Dutch like to sit outside even in extreme weather.

Even Gérard Wensink  was there, he is the bloke that built our house in Heelweg.
Gérard was born in Heelweg, went to school in Heelweg, lived there all his life and now lives about 3 kms away.

Link for more info on Linden tree, if interested. 
