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New fertilizer test in our area...they are also developing new fertilizers from Cow poo and piddle

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The first farmers can start with 'green' artificial fertilizer in the Achterhoek

HENGELO / GEESTEREN - The road is free for Achterhoek fertilizer, extracted from pig manure. After the European Union, The Hague also gave permission for a trial in the Achterhoek, which means that 55 farmers can work with the new fertilizer this year.

Tomorrow is the kick-off of the Green Meadow Fertilizer 2019 demonstration program in Geesteren, as the new fertilizer was christened. The Groene Weide Fertilizer is made in the bio-fermentation plant of Groot-Zevert in Beltrum. It is fertilizer that is extracted mainly from pig manure.
The test is an important step in the Artificial fertilizer-free Achterhoek project.The aim is to ensure that farmers in the region can work without fertilizer purchased from outside the region. It takes a lot of fossil fuel to make that fertilizer, and it costs the farmers money to buy the fertilizer. The processing of regional pig manure into fertilizer is also a next step towards circular agriculture.Hereby all surplus substances that the farms produce are reused locally.

Exemption from 'Brussels'

The test required an exemption from the rules from Brussels and The Hague. The Achterhoek was the only one in Europe to receive it. ,, In the manure legislation there is a strict separation between animal manure and fertilizer. The farmer may only use a limited amount of both, and animal manure may not be used as fertilizer. That happens here. That is why the exemption was necessary '', explains Zwier van der Vegte of test farm De Marke in Hengelo. Experience was gained in 2018 with 'Green fertilizer' at De Marke, part of Wageningen University, and nine other Achterhoek farmers.
"This showed that it works just as well as regular fertilizer," said Arjan Prinsen van Groot-Zevert. In 2019, Wageningen scientists will be conducting research at De Marke into the effects of, for example, maize.
"That is necessary to get definitive permission for the use", says Van der Vegte.Arjan Prinsen expects a great future for the Groene Weide Fertilizer. ,, It is entirely in line with the vision on circular agriculture of Minister Schouten of Agriculture. It is good for achieving the climate goals and for employment in the Achterhoek. "

600 hectares

The new fertilizer is used this year on 600 hectares of grassland, divided among 55 farmers. Growth is expected in the coming years to 150 farmers with 7500 hectares of land, partly grassland and partly other crops. Tomorrow the De Melktap farm in Geesteren will officially launch the Green Meadow Fertilizer demonstration program 2019.
